Extra content for printed steampunk comic!!!

November 4, 2011

Nothing like a Financal pitfall to get you motivated in making money. Even more so when you realize your day job will never get you out of the Financal ditch you are in to add that extra rocket fuel to your personal projects if it might mean that someday you can cut free from the 9 to 5 and get some real work done!

So steampunk adventures was always intended to be a print book. I use the web media to promote and offer something for free. I have been a fan of lulu Self publishing. Why not start now. I could publish chapter one and see what happens.

So I had chapter one exported to PDF and started a horrendous upload to lulu . Took several hours to finally get everything uploaded (by the way I am in Australia so Internet is metered.. So it used up a portion of my bandwidth ) and guess what ???? Not enough pages!!

I am not the kind of guy to get upset for no reason. Ok I wanted to upload . Ok not enough pages . Let’s think about this for a second. This is the same stuff that is loaded on the website. Why would someone want to buy it? Then I started thinking. Let’s reward those folks who buy the printed version with something extra!!!

So here is where your feedback is going to shape how I do this! What do you want to see in extra content.

I don’t know the price of the book will be yet. But I want to make it worth it!

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